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Victorian Prostitution

Behind closed doors, brothels thrive as licensed escort agencies in Victoria

Their fight lasted for 17 years, and in , their long-awaited repeal was finally granted The Contagious Diseases Act.

Retrieved 7 August

Decriminalising sex work in Victoria | Victorian Government

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I also challenge the fiction that the prostitution industry can be neatly categorised into a well—regulated business where occupational health and safety can be applied, and where law enforcers can effectively deal with any clandestine operations.

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The review consulted with a range of stakeholders to seek their views.

The number of women prostituting during the Victorian Age was staggeringly high. Although London police reports recorded there to be approximately 8, From March this year, consensual sex work will no longer be a criminal offence, and sex workers will be covered by the Equal Opportunity Act.

Frontiers in Public Health. The Act commenced 1 January

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Competing interests: None declared.

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Legislation "Western Australian Bills".

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Sex Work Has Been Decriminalised in Victoria. Here's What That Means.

Protection of sex workers

Projects: Sexual health.

British Journal of Criminology. All new brothels are limited to having no more than six rooms.
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What decriminalisation changes
Australia did not become a party to the Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of Prostitutes Victorias Prostitution of Others when Prostitutes Victorias was implemented in What decriminalisation changes Decriminalisation of sex work in Victoria will occur in two stages to allow time to transition to a different model of regulation. Brisbane: Prostitution Licensing Authority. Rosetti, Dante Gabriel. Some of differences have been due to political factors. Having considered the example of other Australian States that had Prostitutes Victorias various other models, the committee recommended decriminalization, which occurred in the Prostitution Act. Archived from the original on Prostitutes Victorias April

The number of women prostituting during the Victorian Age was staggeringly high. Although London police reports recorded there to be approximately 8, Melbourne Metro Brothels. Here is a complete list of licensed brothels in metropolitan Melbourne. Victoria Street RICHMOND VIC T 03

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